Covid 19

Showing 21 to 40 of 97 results for q=covid 19

  • Blue box with text saying 'Coronavirus update'

    Melbourne's lockdown extended

    Lockdown has been extended by 1 week and current restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne (including the City of Yarra) are set to remain in place until at least 11:59pm, Thursday 19 August.
  • Blue box with text saying 'Coronavirus update'

    More COVID restrictions to ease

    More COVID-19 restrictions to ease If you’re fully vaccinated, most COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted for you from 11.59pm tonight after Victoria reached its 90% double dose milestone. The main changes • No limits to home visits • No density limits or caps for hospitality • More people allowed to attend major events Some restrictions remain for everyone • Masks are required in indoor retail, public transport, taxi/rideshare and air travel • Masks required for hospitality workers • Masks required in primary school settings (Years 3 to 6) For a detailed list of the changes read the Premier’s media release.
  • New grants to address family violence and food security during COVID-19

    We’re providing two new grants to assist some of Yarra’s residents hardest hit by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Yarra's Addressing Family Violence and Promoting Food Security quick response grants will fund a combined $145,000 in initiatives for community organisations to continue delivering essential services to our community. With the risk of COVID-19-related family violence on the rise, $50,000 of grants will help front line organisations in Yarra to respond the increased demand for support by residents at risk of experiencing family violence, or perpetrating family violence. The Promoting Food Security grants ($95,000) will also help not-for-profits and community groups provide food vouchers or meals to vulnerable residents, including people experiencing homelessness and social housing tenants. We’re also expanding our family violence outreach services and ensuring our delivered meals program keeps feeding over 120 of our clients during the pandemic. These grants follow the Creative Business and Creative Community grants announced in early-April. Additional grants are expected to be announced in the coming weeks as we continue to roll out our $7.64 million support package. Highlights of the grants Addressing Family Violence Quick Response Grants Up to $50,000 in grants available to frontline service providers and community organisations. Promoting Food Security Quick Response Grants There are two streams of grants available to community welfare organisations: To provide food vouchers for families in financial distress ($25,000 available). To provide food vouchers or food packages for people experiencing homelessness and vulnerable people, such as those unable to access Centrelink payments – e.g. international students and people on bridging visas ($70,000 available). For more information, visit COVID-19 Quick Response Grants.
  • Photo of a teddy bear in a window on a white-painted house

    Family violence and coronavirus

    Like many people, your life has probably changed significantly due to the physical distancing measures designed to slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community. This may include changes to your employment or loss of family income or new caring responsibilities and living arrangements. These changes can also have significant impacts on your mental and physical health. The behaviour of your partner or family members could also change or escalate during this time. If this behaviour makes you fear for your safety, it could be family violence. The signs of family violence Physical distancing and the fears and uncertainty of COVID-19 can give family violence perpetrators new opportunities to be abusive and controlling. These behaviours could include: Stopping you from leaving the house or visiting the doctor. Increased surveillance, such as monitoring handwashing/personal hygiene. Heightened monitoring and control of who you speak to by phone or online. Greater interference of the relationship between you and your children or other household members. Exploiting any health issues that you or other household members may have to assert coercive control. Forcing you to do things outside of the public health measures currently in place. Remember – you have the right to feel safe, access medical support and communicate with friends and family. You have the right to leave the house for any of the reasons outlined by the government, such as going to work, buying groceries or getting exercise. Get local support If you are finding parenting challenging at the moment, there are services that can support you and your child during this time. Yarra provides support for parents through our Family Support program. Simply call us on 9205 5555 and ask for our Intake Case Worker. There are also a range of free and confidential family violence phone and online support services available to you: safe steps (1800 015 188) – a 24/7 family violence support service. inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence (1800 755 988) – phone support, information and legal advice for migrant and refugee women in your language. No To Violence Men’s Referral Service (1300 766 491) – telecounselling, information and referrals to help men stop using violent and controlling behaviour. Djirra (1800 105 303) – telephone legal and non-legal support for all Aboriginal people, particularly women experiencing or who have experienced family violence. 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) – 24/7 national sexual assault, domestic, family violence counselling service. Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (1800 806 292) – crisis line. Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) – 24/7 confidential telephone and online counselling service for children and young people aged between 5 and 25 years old. WithRespect (1800 542 847) – family and intimate partner violence support, referrals and telecounselling for LGBTIQ+ communities and their families. If you think you or a family member are in immediate danger from family violence, please call Triple Zero on 000. More information Get more information on Support for Families in Yarra.