COVID-19 restrictions to ease slightly as Victoria hits vaccination target

Thursday 16 September 2021

From 11.59pm on Friday 17 September 2021, the COVID-19 restrictions across Victoria (including the City of Yarra) will ease slightly. This comes as Victoria reaches the 70% first dose target for COVID-19 vaccines.

These changes were announced by the Premier on Thursday 16 September.

What’s changing?

Travel limit

  • The travel limit from your home has been extended from 5km to 10km.

Social gatherings

Outdoor social gatherings will now be permitted with restrictions in place.

  • If you have had one dose of the vaccine or are unvaccinated, you can meet with one other person outdoors. This person can be from another household and dependents are not included in this cap.
  • Up to five people may gather from two households may socialize or exercise together if everyone over age of 18 has had 2 vaccination doses.

Private gatherings at your home are still not permitted. There are to be no visitors to your home excluding intimate partners, and single bubbles.

Outdoor recreation

  • Yarra’s skate parks and outdoor recreation centres will be able to reopen.

Restrictions still in place

Along with outdoor socialising, there are still only other five reasons to leave home:

  1. Food and supplies.
  2. Authorised work (permits will be required).
  3. Care and caregiving.
  4. Exercise with the same restrictions as the outdoor social gatherings.
  5. Getting vaccinated.

The following restrictions will also remain in place:

  • Wear a mask when leaving your house – both indoors and outdoors.
  • The curfew is still in place from 9pm to 5am. There are very limited reasons anyone can leave their home during these times.
  • Practice social distancing wherever necessary.
  • Work from home if you can with permits required for authorised workers. Apply for a permit here.

Impacts on our services

All Yarra Council customer service centres and facilities will remain closed. These include:

  • Collingwood Town Hall
  • Richmond Town Hall
  • Connie Benn Centre
  • Bargoonga Nganjin North Fitzroy Library
  • Yarra Libraries and,
  • Yarra Leisure centres

Essential services, including waste and recycling collection, will continue as normal.

Childcare schools and kindergartens will remain closed for students excluding the children of authorised workers, vulnerable kids and children with special needs.

Keep an eye on our service changes page for ongoing updates.

We’re here to help

If you need support or have questions about our services during this time, call us on 03 9205 5555 or email [email protected].

Or you can use our online services to make a request or payment.

COVID-19 information

Mental health support


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