Amendment C293yara - Collingwood South Precinct


Council has now submitted this Amendment to the Minister for Planning for Approval. 

Below are the Adopted draft amendment documents that have were submitted to the Minister for Planning for Approval.

Reference Documents

The reference documents below have helped to inform the draft amendment documents of Amendment C293. They provide the strategic justification for the draft amendment.

Standing Advisory Committee Report

Council received the report for the Yarra Activity Centres Standing Advisory Committee (the Committee) on 19 May 2022. 

Please note that the report from the Committee consists of two parts. Report 1  contains background and planning context matters common between amendments the Committee considered. Report 2  relates to Amendment C293yara.


Due to COVID-19 and the associated physical distancing requirements, the Hearing for draft Amendment C293yara will be held by video conference. 

The Hearing was held from 10.00am Monday 28 March 2022 to 4.30pm Friday 1 April 2022. The Committee Directions for the hearing can accessed here.

Directions Hearing

The Directions Hearing was held on 25 February 2022 by video conference. 

Requesting Referral of draft C293 to the Standing Advisory Committee

After considering submissions to Draft Amendment C293yara, Council resolved at its meeting on the 21 December 2021, to request the Minister for Planning refer draft Amendment C293yara to the Committee. This means that all amendment documents and submissions were requested to be referred to the Committee for consideration.

Referred Documents

Exhibition of draft C293 closed

The exhibition on draft Amendment C293 closed on the 27 October 2021. All submissions received were considered at a Council Meeting on the 21 December 2021. For details please see Requesting Referral of draft C293 to the Standing Advisory Committee above.


Yarra City Council is proposing to introduce permanent built form and design requirements for the Collingwood South Precinct. This refers to the Mixed Use Zone land east of Smith Street, between Wellington and Little Oxford streets. These changes will help guide potential future development, ensure it responds sensitively to heritage buildings and minimise impact on sensitive residential interfaces such as backyards and public spaces like footpaths, parks and expanded street corners.  

The permanent built form and design requirements would be introduced through an amendment to the Yarra Planning Scheme known as draft Amendment C293yara (Amendment C293) after it is considered by the independent Yarra Activity Centre Standing Advisory Committee and should the Minister for Planning approve it.

You can find more information regarding the Standing Advisory Committee process on Yarra’s Advisory Committee Process and Amendments webpage and Planning Panel’s Victoria website.

What stage is this amendment at and what are the next steps?

The Amendment is now at Stage 6 of the Advisory Committee Process – Standing Advisory Committee Report and Recommendations. 

Exhibition on draft Amendment C293yara closed on 27 October 2021. 

On 21 December 2021, Council resolved to request that the Minister for Planning refer draft Amendment C293yara to the Yarra Activity Centre Standing Advisory Committee.

The Standing Advisory Committee was held from Monday 28 March 2022 – Friday 1 April 2022. 

Council received the Standing Advisory Committee Report on 19 May 2022.

Council submitted the draft Amendment to the Minister for Planning on 28 June 2022.

You can find more information on Yarra’s Advisory Committee Process and Amendments on Yarra's webpage Planning Panel’s Victoria website and on the Yarra Standing Advisory Committee - Information Sheet.


Land Affected by the Amendment

What controls are in place for the area?

At the moment, there are temporary requirements (interim DDO23) that apply to the precinct. These will expire on 30 June 2025. The permanent requirements that are proposed in Amendment C293 would replace interim DDO23. 

What does the Amendment do?

The Amendment proposes to:

  • Replace the current interim Design and Development Overlay (known as interim DDO23) with a new permanent DDO23 for the Yarra Planning Scheme to guide built form in the Collingwood South (Mixed-Use) Precinct.
  • Delete the existing Design and Development Overlay that applies to Main Roads and Boulevards (DDO2) from the area that would be covered by the permanent DDO23.
  • Amend Clause 21.11 Reference Documents to include the Brunswick Street and Smith Street Built Form Review: Collingwood Built Form Framework 2018, Collingwood Mixed Use Pocket Heritage Analysis and Recommendations 2018 and Supplementary Heritage Report: Collingwood South (Mixed Use) Precinct, 2021 as reference documents in the planning scheme.

How was the Amendment prepared?

The below graphic describes how Amendment C293 was prepared. Based on the background work that informed the interim DDO23, a review was undertaken and supporting documents were updated where necessary. The review informed the proposed draft DDO23 of Amendment C293.


What does the draft DDO23 try to achieve?

The proposed draft Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 23 (DDO23) aims to provide a balanced approach by guiding different levels of potential development across the Collingwood South Mixed-Use Zone Precinct. It aims to ensure that new buildings will be sensitive towards heritage buildings, minimising impact on sensitive residential interfaces (for example backyards) and public spaces such as footpaths, parks and expanded street corners.

Built form and design requirements relate to street wall height, front setbacks (distance from a building to the property boundary), upper level setbacks (distance from upper levels to the lower building parts, usually referred to as street wall), overall building height, setbacks to residential properties and transition of potential development towards adjoining heritage buildings and public spaces. In its current form, the proposed DDO23 would achieve a low to mid-rise building that responds to the character and topography of the Collingwood South Mixed-Use Zone Precinct.

The DDO provides built form and design requirements for three areas in Collingwood South:

 Area 1 – Area around Peel Street and Oxford Street

Area 2 – Area around Derby Street and Cambridge Street

Area 3 – Area around Wellington Street and Langridge Street.

Areas 1 and 2 contain a mixed residential context and more consistent heritage streetscapes. Proposed street wall height requirements are generally low (2 storeys) and the proposed lower to moderate overall building height ranges from 3 to 6 storeys, depending on what is adjacent. New development in these areas would have to transition towards adjoining heritage buildings.

Sites in Area 3 are generally larger, the area lacks heritage buildings and there are minimal sensitive interfaces. This allows for a proposed modest street wall (4 storeys) and comparatively taller proposed overall building heights (ranging between 8-12 storeys). Buildings in this area were mostly approved and/or built before the current interim DD023 was in place.

The DDO also includes requirements regarding building separation, overshadowing of public spaces and residential properties, location of parking and loading areas, wind effects as well as façade design requirements.

The proposed DDO23 includes a mix of mandatory and preferred requirements to achieve the outcomes generally described above.

If you want to know more about what DDOs can and cannot guide in general and why not all requirement can be mandatory, please see the information sheet on DDOs. 

Exhibited Draft Amendment Documents

Below are the formal draft amendment documents that have been exhibited until the 27 October 2021.

Supporting Documents

The supporting documents below have helped to inform the draft amendment documents of Amendment C293. They provide the strategic justification for the draft amendment.

Council Reports

The Council Meeting Report and relevant Council Meeting Minutes can also assist you in providing an overview of the draft amendment.

 Information Sheets

The information sheets were prepared to give a non-formal overview of how the draft amendment was prepared and to explain in a non-formal way what the proposed draft DDO23 would require of planning permit applications, should it be approved by the Minister for Planning.

What is a design and development overlay?

The Design and Development Overlay (DDO) is a planning tool that is applied to areas where specific requirements relating to the built form and design of new development are needed. They set requirements for the height, form and the general design of buildings.

Find out more about what a DDO is on this information sheet.

Why have we prepared this draft amendment?

The State Government requires local councils to address population and employment changes to meet their city’s needs. Activity centres have been identified as appropriate areas to accommodate growth as they have good access to employment, public transport and other amenities.

The Collingwood South Precinct has been identified to accommodate a mix of ‘high change’ and ‘incremental change’ where pockets of heritage buildings would accommodate lesser change. It is expected that the area will play a significant role in accommodating change in the long-term.

The draft amendment is required to ensure new development responds sensitively towards heritage buildings and public spaces and to provide greater certainty of potential built form outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions