Removing graffiti

Graffiti is a serious and complex problem in Yarra and in the inner city. Each year, we remove around 30,000 cases of graffiti and unsolicited bill posters, at a cost of around $800,000.

Graffiti Management Framework

Graffiti Management Framework 2020-2023 (PDF 1.9MB) is currently under review. Graffiti treatment in Yarra will still be performed in accordance with the 2020-23 framework until the review has been finalised.

Our graffiti management program is guided by our Graffiti Management Framework 2020-2023 (PDF 1.9MB), which includes prevention tactics and supporting the community to remove graffiti from private property.

Our role in graffiti management is substantial as set out in the Framework, however our main responsibility is rapid graffiti removal from Council property. 

Tagging and graffiti is such an extensive community problem that property owners need to deal with graffiti on private property as part of general property maintenance.

Our ‘whole-of-community’ approach aims to build partnerships with our residents, such as residential owner/occupiers, business owners, law enforcement agencies, statutory authorities, utility owners and graffiti artists.

Read more about how we developed our Framework and community consultation process on our Your Say Yarra page.

How to report graffiti

Council property

We prioritise the removal of offensive graffiti (defamatory or degrading remarks or graphics about race, religion, sex or personal privacy) from Council property. Inoffensive graffiti will be removed as soon as possible.

Report graffiti on council buildings and assets

Report graffiti on playgrounds and parks

Private property

We prioritise the removal of offensive graffiti on private property and where it has significant impact on public amenity such as shopping centres or a gateway. We also prioritise graffiti removals for residents who are frail, aged or living with a disability.

We offer two free graffiti removal services per property per year for private property outside of these high prominence areas. This will only apply to surfaces on the front of the property boundary line.

Property owners will still be responsible for graffiti removal outside of the two services per year that we provide. To help with this, we can provide you with a free graffiti removal kit which you can request from the link below or our customer service sites and the Clifton Hill depot. In-person recipients must be over 18 years of age and show proof of occupancy or ownership on pick-up.

Report graffiti on private property

Graffiti we cannot remove from private property

We are unable to remove graffiti from the back of a property which does not face out onto the street. We will not remove graffiti from rear laneways. 

Due to Occupational Health and Safety regulations, we can only remove graffiti up to 3 metres in height. We can’t remove graffiti from second storey surfaces.

In these instances, we will provide free graffiti removal kits and paint vouchers to assist you with self-removal.

Reporting graffiti to police

We encourage you to contact the police when your property has been vandalised or graffitied. This helps the police gather more accurate statistics about the level of vandalism and graffiti in the local area, enabling them to apply for funding and resources to address this problem.

Call the police on: 

  • Richmond Police – 8420 3600
  • Fitzroy Police – 9934 6400
  • Collingwood Police – 8413 1700

Report graffiti on other utilities and assets

Public art projects

We support public art projects as one way to reduce illegal tagging and graffiti in Yarra's streets.

These projects are effective in discouraging graffiti while at the same time supporting young local artists and contributing to the creative culture of Yarra.

For more information email us at [email protected] .