We’re challenging the people who live and work in Yarra to reduce their avoidable, single-use waste this Plastic Free July

Wednesday 26 June 2024

plastic free july

Yarra is a vibrant inner-city municipality, home to thousands of residents, businesses, offices, and some of Melbourne’s most popular cafes and restaurants. However, this vibrant community also generates a significant amount of avoidable, single-use waste. 

It is our collective responsibility to minimise the amount of waste we generate. That’s why we’re challenging the people who live and work in Yarra to opt out of avoidable, single-use items this Plastic Free July and choose reusables instead.

What can I do to minimise my waste?  

  • Carry your reusable cup, cutlery, water bottles, food containers with you, and shopping bags: Store them in your car, your office cupboard, or your everyday bag to make sure you’ve got something with you on the go!  
  • Got time? Dine in instead of takeaway: An easy way to avoid single-use items is to dine in at cafes and restaurants!  
  • Buy produce loose: Choose to buy your fruits and vegetables loose rather than those packed in plastic bags or mesh nettings. Not only do you avoid unnecessary packaging, but you also reduce food waste by having more control over how much produce you bring home.  
  • Take the Challenge: Plastic Free July offers a myriad of tips and tricks to help you reduce your plastic waste. Sign up to their weekly email challenge: Register for the official Plastic Free July Challenge 
  • Build a “library” of reusable items in your office: Designate an area in your office (this could be in your tearoom, shared kitchen space, etc.) and start collecting reusable cups, ceramic mugs, plates, food containers, and crockery for your coworkers to pick up on their way to get their morning coffee or takeaway lunch. We’ve got heaps of resources to help you set up your “Reusables Library”. Contact [email protected]

Check out these local waste champions! 

Thanks for your help in our search to find Yarra’s forward-thinking cafes, restaurants, and bars who are leading the way in reducing avoidable, single-use waste across their operations! Check out these champions, listed in our Circular Economy Map.

If you’re a cafe, restaurant, or bar who is leading waste minimising initiatives, add yourself to the map by contacting [email protected]  



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