An update for Yambla Pavilion in Quarries Park

Monday 24 June 2024

People practicing on a soccer pitch with Melbourne city in the distance

We're replacing the Yambla Pavilion in Clifton Hill to provide an inclusive community sporting facility, improved amenities and better public access to Quarries park.

Yarra City Council is committed to creating more inclusive sporting spaces so everyone can take part in community sport.

Like all councils in Victoria, Yarra is facing challenges from the rising cost of construction, inflation, supply chain issues, rate capping and cost shifting, along with increasing pressure and demand on our services and infrastructure from a rapidly growing population.

As a result of these challenges, Council was unable to proceed with the initial concept design proposed. The revised concept design uses a prefabricated building approach which reduces construction timeframes, ensures the project is more cost effective, while still delivering what our community told us they wanted.

What’s included:
new sporting pavilion, aiming to achieve a 6-star green star equivalent rating
four permanent all gender change rooms
a new kiosk
club storage
new social space
new all gender public toilets, including baby change facilities in the accessible toilet

We have revised the concept design and want to check in with the community to ensure we're incorporating the key components of the design. We will review your feedback and where feasible work to include it in the final design.

Have your say

Follow the link below to look at the revised concept design and share your thoughts by completing the online survey before 9am on Monday 22 July 2024.

View the concept Design and complete the survey

Speak to us in person

You can also chat to the team and provide your feedback at one of our in-person sessions at:

• Quarries Park Playground in Clifton Hill on Saturday 6 July from 10am to 12 noon 
• Coulson Reserve in Clifton Hill on Sunday 21 July from 10.30am to 12.30pm 


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