Public Notice for proposed Road Discontinuance on Charlotte Street in Richmond

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Yarra City Council (Council), acting under clause 3 of schedule 10 to the Local Government Act 1989 (Act), proposes to discontinue part of the road known as Charlotte Street, Richmond, shown as Lot 1 on the plan below (Road), comprising part of the land remaining in Conveyance Book P No. 980.  

The proposal is that Council discontinue the Road and retain the land comprising the Road for public open space purposes. The rights of any public authorities will be saved pursuant to section 207C of the Act.  

Map of Charlotte Street

Any person may make a submission on the proposal. Any person wishing to make a submission under section 223 of the Act must do so in writing by Wednesday 18 July 2024.  

All submissions will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Act. Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and sent by:  

  1. Visiting to provide your submission online.  
  2. Posting a letter to the following address:  
    Sue Wilkinson,  
    Chief Executive Officer,  
    Yarra City Council –  
    PO Box 168  
    RICHMOND VIC 3121  
  3. Hand delivering your printed submission to Council’s Municipal Office at 333 Bridge Road, Richmond.  

An Extraordinary Council meeting will be held at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, 6 August 2024, to allow any person wishing to speak in support of their written submission. If you wish to register to speak at this meeting, please indicate your intention in your written submission.  

Council will consider the received submissions and feedback and determine the outcome of the road discontinuance process at the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday, 13 August 2024. Please note that there will not be an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council at this Ordinary meeting.  

Following consideration of submissions, Council may resolve not to discontinue the Road or to discontinue the Road and then transfer the Road to itself.  

For more information on the proposal, please contact the Property Services team by emailing [email protected]  

Sue Wilkinson - Chief Executive Officer, Yarra City Council. 


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