Work or own a business in Yarra? Join us for Plastic Free July!

Tuesday 21 May 2024

a hand reaches for a mug in a kitchen cupboard

Yarra City Council is challenging its people who live, work or own a business in Yarra to reduce their plastic waste by opting out of single-use items and into reusing, sharing and repurposing.

Yarra is a vibrant inner-city municipality, bustling with hundreds of businesses, offices, and some of Melbourne’s most popular cafes and restaurants. However, this thriving scene also generates a significant amount of waste. 

Did you know that single-use coffee cups have a plastic liner, so aren’t actually recyclable? Single-use coffee cups are a notorious contaminate in Yarra’s recycling bins and create unnecessary waste in landfill. 

Many of Yarra’s cafes offer discounts and other perks to customers who bring their own cups or takeaway containers, with several listed in our Circular Economy Map. If you’re a cafe or restaurant providing similar incentives for reusable items, contact us to get featured on the map. 


Set up a Reusables Library in your community hub or office kitchen!   

For Plastic Free July this year, Council is encouraging those who live and work in Yarra to consciously reduce waste by reusing, sharing, and repurposing items they already have and creating a shared Reusables Library.  

If you’re interested in leading this initiative in your shared spaces, contact us for guides and resources to help get you started. 

To contact us, email via [email protected]


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