Yarra’s vision in view: resident panel to plan for our future

Tuesday 04 May 2021

A representative community panel of 60 locals is set to meet this Thursday for the first of four workshops, bringing the City of Yarra one step closer to its first-ever community vision.

The community vision will guide decision making about Yarra’s services and projects for the next 15 years, including its next four-year Council Plan.

The community panel strongly reflects Yarra’s diverse community, with people from all walks of life to share their life experiences and views with each other. 

The first session will bring panellists together for a meet and greet, and to get to know their important task ahead. 

In the following sessions, they will share information and get to understand Yarra’s challenges. The panel will work together to draft their vision, and finally identify the priorities to achieve the vision.

To respect the time and effort of the panel, Yarra Council has committed to receiving the community vision and adopting it as the panel provides it.

The community panel builds upon extensive engagement with the broader Yarra community from November 2020 to January 2021. During this stage we heard from over 1,300 residents, businesses and visitors.

Their feedback has also informed our proposed budget 2021/22, which is available for comment until Friday 21 May 2021.

To stay in the know about Yarra’s community vision, visit Your Say Yarra.



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