Sustainable Business Yarra is launching in April

Tuesday 23 March 2021

This April we are launching Sustainable Business Yarra – an e-newsletter for our environmentally conscious local business community.

What is Sustainable Business Yarra?

Sustainable Business Yarra is a new platform which aims to support businesses to drive change, reduce costs, improve productivity and help the environment.

This newsletter is the first step towards creating a network of sustainability-minded businesses in Yarra. Each month we’ll email you with targeted news, resources and opportunities.

Why are we doing this?

According to research, 61% of total emissions in Yarra come from the business sector. This is costly to the environment, but importantly this is costly for businesses too.

We want to help share solutions to these problems by highlighting the amazing things that businesses in Yarra are already doing to address these issues.

Becoming more sustainable is not only great for the environment but can make good sense for your business too.

What news will be covered?

The Sustainable Business Yarra e-newsletter will include articles, resources, case studies and success stories from businesses just like yours.

Just think:

  • emissions free delivery solutions.
  • using renewable energy to heat and cool buildings.
  • zero carbon beer brewing.
  • reducing food waste.

Share your story

If you are one of the businesses already reducing your emissions then please tell us about it so that we can share your story in an upcoming edition.

Subscribe to Sustainable Business Yarra

Select this link to subscribe for monthly updates.

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Contact us

Call us on 9205 5555 or email [email protected] to find out more.


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