Help create real climate action in Yarra

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Image of Dights Falls

Do you have a great idea on how we can boost climate action in Yarra?

The new Climate Action funding stream of Yarra’s 2021 Annual Grants will support projects from community groups or organisations that mobilise change in our community and encourage others to join our fight against the climate emergency.

This new grants stream delivers on a commitment in our Climate Emergency Plan.

Your chance to create change

A total of $80,000 is available to the most innovative projects that can:

  • support the most vulnerable in our community to cope with climate impacts like extreme weather, energy and food insecurity
  • reduce carbon emissions
  • support local food systems
  • care for Yarra’s natural environment
  • avoid waste and encourage more conscious consumption
  • encourage people to use sustainable transport more
  • build stronger social connections that make Yarra more resilient to future stresses.

Apply now

The 2021 Annual Grants are now open, with applications closing Sunday 29 November 2020.

Apply for a grant or read past examples of grant-funded projects.



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