Business grants set to help welcome people back to Yarra's streets

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Yarra is awarding $320,000 in grants for businesses and community groups in Yarra to deliver projects that activate, promote and enhance our vibrant and much-loved precincts.

We are pleased to announce these projects have been awarded Precinct Recovery COVID-19 Quick Response Grants during the initial round:

  • The Abbotsford Convent Garden Party
  • Experience Japan in the City of Yarra for Brunswick and Smith Streets
  • The Smith Street Artisan Christmas Market
  • Yarra Beer Trail across Collingwood
  • Creative Corner on Brunswick Street
  • Queens Parade Christmas Shopping Day
  • North Fitzroy Village - Your Hood With the Goods
  • Gertrude Saturdays
  • People of Gertrude Street: Digital Marketing Campaign.

These initiatives will help attract more visitors to these precincts, encouraging people to shop, eat, and have fun in their local area again after months of restrictions.

As the lifeblood of Yarra’s economy, our businesses, sole traders and retail precincts are essential to the city’s recovery from COVID-19.

There will be a second round of grant funding announced in January 2021.

Helping businesses open their doors

Yarra Council has also set up a rapid response team to assess applications for extended outdoor dining permits during the recovery period.

We’ve created free, flexible and fast-tracked outdoor dining permits so that businesses in Yarra can welcome back customers as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Since going live with our outdoor dining permits in early October we have received more than 400 applications from businesses looking to extend their outdoor dining space.

Fees for footpath trading permits, food registrations, health registrations and business parking permits won’t be charged until at least 31 March 2021. This will ultimately save businesses around $1.4 million in fees. 

Find out more about how we’re supporting businesses.

Rediscover Yarra

With our city waking up again, it’s never been a more exciting time to reacquaint yourself with the cafes, restaurants, bars and shops you’ve missed these last few months.

Our iconic cafes, restaurants and shopping precincts are what makes Yarra special. They’re a vital part of the local community and economy.

You may start to notice special concrete bollards with coloured material covers appearing in the streets and suburbs near you. These will help keep you safe while dining outside this summer.

Rediscover Yarra



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