Precautions at immunisation clinics

Wednesday 01 April 2020

Our immunisation program is continuing to operate, with some additional precautions to make sure everyone remains safe and healthy.

We encourage you to consider vaccinations for yourself and your family, to protect yourself from certain diseases. Please note though there is still currently no vaccine for COVID-19 (coronavirus).

What we are doing to prevent COVID-19 transmission:

  • Our immunisation clinics are now in larger venues that enable social distancing. Waiting areas will maintain a minimum of four square meters per person or family. People in line and outside the building will be asked to keep 1.5 metres distance between each other.
  • We will have additional staff to make sure no one entering the building is sick or is exhibiting any symptoms.
  • Hand sanitiser will be available.
  • Only one parent per child will be permitted in the vaccination area.
  • We are thoroughly sanitising immunisation areas in between clients.
  • All staff will be healthy and will maintain strict hand sanitising procedures between clients.

If you are attending an immunisation session:

  • Do not attend the venue if you or any of your family are:
     Feeling unwell (especially with a fever, sore throat, cough)
    • Have been a contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19
    • Have returned from overseas within the last 14 days 
  • Families can come to the clinic together but only one parent per child will be called up to the vaccination area
  • If a waiting time of more than 15 minutes occurs, we will give you a time to return.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to keep the community safe.

Find out more and see our upcoming immunisation schedule.


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