Keep your distance

Monday 30 March 2020

green tile with a horizontal line indicating 1.5m distance between two people

The best way we can all help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) is to stay home and keep our distance from others, at least 1.5m at all times.

You should only leave your home if you:

  • Are shopping for essentials, like food and groceries
  • Need medical assistance
  • Need to travel to and from work 
  • Are exercising outdoors

Indoor and outdoor meetings are now limited to no more than 2 people. The only exceptions are:

  • People living in the same household
  • Attending a funeral (maximum of 10 people)
  • Attending a wedding (maximum of five people)

Our public outdoor spaces have now closed, including outdoor gyms, parks, playgrounds and golf course.

The Department of Health have some helpful tips on how you can best practise social distancing at home, work and school


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