Going plastic free in Fitzroy North

Wednesday 03 July 2019

A coffee here, a takeaway meal there … the amount of plastic packaging we throw out really does add up. And our landfill is running out of room.

That’s why shops in North Fitzroy Village have pledged to go plastic free: to challenge the norm of single-use plastic and reduce the amount of plastic being sent to landfill.

Mitch Wells, from Billy Van Creamy, is passionate about waste reduction, and has already found ways to champion more sustainable options.  

"We encourage customers to eat in using our ceramic bowls, so they don’t use plastic. We also give discounts for customers if they bring in their own take-home tubs", he said.

“It just makes sense – environmentally, commercially and ethically.”

Billy Van Creamy joins other businesses along North Fitzroy Village to encourage the community to bring their own containers and be part of the long-term solution. 

Plastic pollution is one of the largest environmental crises facing the planet. As part of Yarra Council’s ‘Proudly Plastic Free’ program, North Fitzroy village shops have committed to swapping single use plastic packaging for non-plastic alternatives. 

Want to know which shops have taken the pledge?

Keep an eye out for Proudly Plastic Free in shop windows throughout the Fitzroy North village. 

Take your own plastic free pledge!

You can do your bit and pledge to go plastic free in the month of July by taking the Plastic Free July Challenge


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