Council Meeting

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Due to the prevalence of COVID in the community, this meeting is being held online.

Council meetings are public forums where Councillors come together to meet as a Council and make decisions about important, strategic and other matters.

Council meetings are decision-making forums and only Councillors have a formal role. However, Council is committed to ensuring that any person whose rights will be directly affected by a decision of Council is entitled to communicate their views and have their interests considered before the decision is made. You can participate in the meeting either during Public Question Time or by making a submission in relation to an item to be considered at the meeting.

Watching the meeting

You are welcome to watch the webcast online using the link below. You do not need to register in advance.

Click here to watch the meeting webcast

Asking a question

Registrations for Public Question Time have now closed. Your next opportunity to ask a question is at the Council Meeting on 31 May 2022.

Making a submission

Registrations to make a submission at this meeting have now closed.

Meeting agenda

The agenda for this meeting is available below.

Note - A revised agenda was uploaded on Friday 6 May at 8.30am



Date and time:
Tuesday 10 May 2022
